April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month


By Mark Smith, Special to The Clayton Tribune

  • Megan Broome/The Clayton Tribune. Pinwheels on display in front of the Rabun County Courthouse represent 129 victims of child abuse who were served in Rabun County this year. Pinwheels are also on display at Rabun County Division of Family and Children Services.
    Megan Broome/The Clayton Tribune. Pinwheels on display in front of the Rabun County Courthouse represent 129 victims of child abuse who were served in Rabun County this year. Pinwheels are also on display at Rabun County Division of Family and Children Services.

The month of April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. Pinwheels displayed during the month of April are a sign to the community that child abuse exists and as a community we can do something about it.

F.A.I.T.H., Inc. (Fight Abuse in the Home) works with children in the Mountain Judicial Circuit who have been the victim of abuse – sexual, physical and neglect.

The pinwheels on display at the Rabun County Courthouse represent children who have received assistance from FAITH in the past year in Rabun County.

Each pinwheel represents a child who received services from FAITH. It is one way of saying we are here and FAITH is ready to help.

According to the sign posted with the pinwheels at the courthouse, 129 victims of child abuse were served in Rabun County this year.

Statistics show that 1 in 10 children in the United States will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.   

There are an estimated 42 million survivors of sexual abuse in the United States today. Most adults do not realize just how widespread this issue is. The pinwheels are there to help bring attention to this issue.

Child Abuse Prevention Month recognized the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Prevention services and support developed by this collaboration can help protect children and strengthen families.

FAITH provides many services, and one is a training on sexual abuse known as “Darkness to Light.” This training is available to groups, civic clubs, churches, schools and others, to help the community increase their knowledge of sexual abuse and help find ways to reduced it.

For more information contact Mark Smith at 706-886-2290 or call the FAITH office at 706-782- 1003.

Mark Smith is the director of FAITH’s Power House.